“Advent is a season focused on preparing for the coming of Emmanuel. It is both a beginning and an end to the Church’s pilgrimage through the life of Christ — a time to recall the world’s expectation and longing for the first coming of Jesus Christ into our humanity and a time to anticipate his second coming in final victory.” — Jonathan Powers

Sunday, December 1st marks the beginning of the Advent season at Living Hope Fellowship. For many years, during the Advent season, the people of God have given themselves to study, prayer, fasting, giving, and worship, in celebration of His first advent, patiently awaiting His return. We live in the time between His two arrivals, learning to live inside of His Kingdom and focusing on the mission entrusted to us. Here are a few details about what our Advent journey will look like this year!

Advent Daily Devotional

Daily readings are a significant part of the Advent tradition. Once again, we have compiled a set of readings and devotional thoughts, written by several members of our church family, which will walk us through the four main themes of Advent — Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. This is a very special collection, written specifically with our church in mind, and will be a wonderful guide as we walk through this season together. 

Physical copies of the devotional will be available on Sundays, but you can access a digital copy HERE.

Advent Activities for Kids

This season provides many unique opportunities to connect children to the overarching themes celebrated by followers of Jesus around the world. We have put together a few resources for parents that offer a variety of ways to integrate Advent into the rhythms of your home. These resources can be found in the Parent Resources Group on Church Center.

Special Advent Offering — Hope of Life

We celebrate this season of waiting in a number of ways, one of which is by making sure our spending is consistent with Jesus’ life and ministry, as well as the mission He’s entrusted to us until His return. We ask that you pray about an amount within your Christmas budget, above and beyond your normal tithe, and set it aside for this special offering which will be collected formally during our services on Sunday, December 22nd, as well as digitally at our “Give” page or through the Church Center app throughout Advent (starting today). All of the money collected will go to help our children’s home in India, Hope of Life. Together we can be a part of bringing the Kingdom near in tangible ways, just like Jesus did so long ago, and continues to do now through the Church.

Maison Des Amis Christmas Party — Saturday, December 7th at 11:00 a.m.

Maison des Amis provides housing to homeless men and women who have chronic mental illnesses, a few of whom were regulars with us on Sundays for several years. Here are a few ways you can be involved:

  • Sponsor a resident wishlist (all wish lists have been claimed, but lists may be added last minute. Email info@livinghopebr.com if you wish to contribute to any last minute lists)
  • Help organize wishlists and wrap gifts in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, December 4th at 5:30pm (if you have any questions, contact Melissa Cole — melissa.kathryn13@gmail.com)
  • Food for the party is supplied by YOU, potluck style. You can sign up to bring a dish for the potluck lunch by contacting ashley@livinghopebr.com 

This is one of the most incredible things we do all year, and you won’t want to miss it! Please pray about how to be involved with our Maison Des Amis celebration.

Senior Adult Christmas Luncheon — Tuesday, December 10th at 10:30 a.m.

Living Hope is hosting a Christmas Luncheon for all Senior Adults on December 10th. We could always use extra helping hands, so if you are interested in helping with this great event, please contact the staff. This will be a great time of fellowship and celebration of the season!

Lessons and Carols — Sunday, December 15th at 5:30 p.m.

“Lessons and Carols” is a tradition found in various denominations, where the full biblical narrative is told through a series of songs, readings, and short teachings. This special service will be a great time of worship, celebrating our King who was, and is, and is to come!

Christmas Eve Service — Tuesday, December 24th at 5:00 p.m.

We will celebrate the ending of Advent and beginning of Christmas with a special Christmas Eve service at 5:00 pm. After a long wait, the Messiah arrives, reminding us that He will come again, just as He has promised!