For the Fall Women’s Gathering, we will look at what it means to be rooted and built up in Christ by studying Colossians together. In a world where we are constantly being lied to about our identity, our only true source of security is Jesus Himself. We want to be confident of who He is!

Our time together on September 26 will include an overview of Colossians and small group discussions. We will also provide you with a copy of the Colossians study guide. Then for the month of October you are invited to use the guide to do a daily study on your own to help us further embrace the Christ-anchored lives He offers His people.

The goal is for this to be a manageable AND meaningful study, that puts into practice the things we have learned and practiced together at other Women’s Gatherings.

Please consider joining us on Thursday night, September 26. Childcare is available upon request. Coffee & other beverages will be provided, but dinner is not included. Feel free to pick up your own on the way if that makes it easier.

Sign up today so we know how many guides to print! If you are unable to come to the event, but want a copy of the guide, please email

Sign up at this link: