The Lenten season of the Christian Calendar begins with Ash
Wednesday, February 14th. We are encouraging everyone in
our Living Hope family to participate in some way, so here is
a little information about Lent just in case this is a new
practice for you. In the most basic sense, Lent is a 40 day
observance (plus 6 Sundays) that prepares us and points us
towards the observance of Easter. The 40 days symbolize the
days of testing and fasting Jesus experienced in the desert
before beginning his public ministry (Luke 4:114), which
ultimately was the path to the cross. From very early in
church history, people preparing for baptism and a life of
following Christ would use the season of Lent to prepare
themselves for a life of faith. Christ told his disciples that
those who would come after him would have to “deny
himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke
9:23), and the practices of Lent put the sacrifice and cost of
following Christ into view.
Ash Wednesday Service
February 14 | 6:30pm

Fasting & Prayer
Every Wednesday | Lunch

Beautification Project
March 2

Holy Week
March 24 March 31

Maundy Thursday Service
March 28 | 6:30pm

Good Friday Service
March 29 | 7:00pm

Resurrection Sunday
March 31