In October of 2011, our church entered into a partnership with Hope of Life, a home for children rescued from a life of homelessness, neglect, sexual abuse, gang exploitation, and extreme poverty in Kolkata, India. The children are brought into the home and become part of the family, which provides safety, security, solid meals, education, structure, discipline, and most importantly, the chance to know Jesus as Lord.

Currently, there are 10 boys and 6 girls at Hope of Life, with several staff providing care around the clock, under the leadership of Nabin and Matilda Digal. We partner with the Digals, and offer spiritual covering, pastoral care, and funding for this important ministry in the city of Kolkata.
“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity…”
Psalm 68:5-6